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Alpha Pharma


Stanozolol Injektion (Winstrol Depot)


10 Ampullen (50mg/ml)

Rexogin is a popular brand name for stanozolol (winstrol). This substance is derived from dihydrotestosterone, although it acts much softer than this androgen. The drug is an anabolic steroid that promotes more muscle growth than androgenic action. In fact, if dihydrotestosterone gives only androgenic side effects, then stanozolol provides high-quality muscle building. Perhaps the anabolic properties of this substance are not as strong as compared with more powerful substances, but it is a reliable means for building up.


  • It gives relief to the muscles (the most important effect of stanozolol)
  • Burns fat
  • Increases Strength and Stamina
  • Strengthens the appetite
  • Removes excess fluid from the body

Possible side effects

Pain in the joints (therefore, Winstrol is not recommended for those who have problems with joints, ligaments) or you can do a combined cycle of stanozolol + nandrolone (Deca).
Increased blood pressure (can be eliminated by taking any antihypertensive drugs, for example, enalapril).
Increased blood cholesterol levels (can be eliminated by taking omega-3 during your cycle).


Cycle duration: 6-8 weeks.
Dosages: Start with small doses, 10 mg per day. And gradually within 7 days, raise the dosage to the optimum. The optimal dosage is 50 mg in DAILY (perhaps this is the greatest inconvenience – it is the need for frequent injections. Usually the ampoule contains 50 mg of winstrol and you need to prick it every day throughout the cycle).
After the cycle, after 2-3 days, it is necessary to conduct a PCT (post-cycle therapy).