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Enanthate 250

55.70 InStock

Dragon Pharma


Testosteron Enantat


10 Ampullen (250mg/ml)

Enanthate 250

Testosterone Enanthate 250 is one of the most established and most usually utilized anabolic steroids ever. It is a moderate acting discharge type of the testosterone hormone and was the primary huge/long ester testosterone structure utilized. Engineered testosterone was first grown path, thinking back to the 1930s and had no esters joined. In those days it was known as Test Suspension. This structure was quick acting. At that point during the 1950s a bigger ester in Enanthate would be appended to the hormone. Subsequently, it hindered the hormone’s action significantly more. This steroid is exceptionally adaptable and has been utilized in both the medical setting just as for execution upgrade. Test Enanthate 250 is a solitary huge ester base testosterone compound and has a carboxylic corrosive ester appended in Enanthate (enanthoic corrosive). The ester itself is joined to the hormone at the 17-beta hydroxyl gathering. The Enanthate ester gives control of the dynamic term of the hormones and absolute discharge time. Once infused, the testosterone doesn’t get dynamic until the ester starts to isolate from the hormone. Test Enanthate takes into consideration a moderate, consistent arrival of the dynamic hormone into the body.

Uses of Enanthate 250

This steroid is utilized to treat patients with low testosterone levels and is additionally valuable to weight lifters and competitors of all wellness levels. Testosterone Enanthate is considered profoundly adaptable and will extend over all parts of execution. The heading you go relies upon the client’s eating regimen and preparing. This isn’t a building steroid or a cutting steroid; it is just a steroid that can fill all needs of supplementation.

Testosterone Enanthate 250 specifically is usually utilized as a first-time anabolic steroid by fresh out of the plastic new apprentices to the universe of anabolic steroids. This is because of its long-acting nature with its longer half-life, This implies Testosterone Enanthate is extremely advantageous for amateurs who aren’t yet alright with progressively visit infusions, Testosterone Enanthate just requires two infusions directed each week, dispersed uniformly separated from each other to guarantee stable blood levels. Most generally, clients will infuse on Monday and Thursday of consistently.

Best Dosage of Enanthate 250

Male hypogonadism: 50 to 400 milligrams (mg) each two to four weeks
Delayed male pubescence: 5 to 200 mg each two to four weeks for four to a half year
Metastatic breast malignant growth: 200 to 400 mg each two to four weeks
Transgender hormone therapy: 50 to 200 mg for every week or 100 to 200 mg at regular intervals

Enanthate 250 Effective Cycles

For Beginners:

  • Week 1 – 125mg/0.5CC
  • Week 2 – 250mg/1CC
  • Week 3 – 375mg/1.5CC
  • Week 4 – 500mg/2CC
  • Week 5 – 500mg/2CC
  • Week 6 – 375mg/1.5CC
  • Week 7 – 250mg/1CC
  • Week 8 – 125mg/0.5CC

For Intermediate:

  • Week 1 – 125mg/0.5CC Test E, 25mg/day DBol
  • Week 2 – 250mg/1CC Test E, 25mg/day DBol
  • Week 3 – 375mg/1.5CC Test E, 25mg/day DBol
  • Week 4 – 500mg/2CC Test E, 25mg/day DBol
  • Week 5 – 500mg/2CC Test E, 25mg/day DBol
  • Week 6 – 375mg/1.5CC Test E, 25mg/day DBol
  • Week 7 – 250mg/1CC
  • Week 8 – 125mg/0.5CC

Advance Cycle:

  • Weeks 1-6 – 40mg/day Dbol (split throughout day), 250mg/1CC/e3.5d Test enanthate
  • Weeks 7-12 – 100mg/1CC/eod Tren, 250mg/1CC/e3.5d Test E

Quick Overview: Substanz: Testosterone enanthate
Paket: 10 Ampullen (250mg/ml)
Hersteller: Dragon Pharma

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